Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I just thought I’d share the Easter eggs I designed around two years ago. I used the plastic eggs sold in craft shops like Spotlight and decorated them with ribbons and other embellishments. This year I tried using the plastic containers from vending machines (containers for small trinkets) but they are a little less egg shaped.
I’ve also added a vintage card I have in my collection for you to use. Just right click and save.
Have a Happy Easter,

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here's something else I created using recycled paper. For this flower decoration that can be used for gift wrapping, I've used old music paper. This flower can be made with any recycled paper such as used printed paper, pages from magazines and off cuts from wrapping paper.

Step 1 - crumple a piece of paper and unfold to flatten it out.

Step 2 - cut out rough squares from the crumpled paper.

Step 3 - cut a slit from the middle of the square towards the centre of the paper but only about 1/3 of the length of the paper. Repeat on other four sides.

Step 4 - Cut one corner into a petal shape (see diagram) and repeat on other 3 corners.

Step 5 - Repeat steps 3 - 4 on the same sized paper to create 3 flower shapes.

Step 6 - Make one more flower shape using a smaller square.

Step 7 - Arrange the 4 flower shapes on top of each other to look like a flower (with the smallest flower shape on top).

Step 8 - Staple the centre of the flower 3 times like an asterix.

Step 9 - Mold the petals to give the flower dimension.
It's the crumpling that enables you to shape the petals.

Happy crafting,