Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two recycling ideas

Hi Everyone out there!

I'm spent many years gathering inspirations and craft ideas off the web - so it's about time I shared my designs with you. The first is my Tissue paper dolls (great for making a small present look good). I wanted to make something with the tissue paper you get when you have purchased delicate goodies, so I came up with Tissue paper dolls. To make, cut a sheet of tissue paper in half so you have a sheet around 40 x 30 cms. Fold both ends up a bit (on the 30cm length) and glue down. Sew along one end and gather to create a skirt. Find a picture of the upper part of a doll and cut out. Glue skirt onto doll and decorate as you see fit. The second idea uses recycled plastic drink bottles to make cheap and nifty display domes. I used a one litre clear plastic drink bottle. Draw a straight line on the bottle and cut along it. Trim it to make it sit properly and decorate around cap top to cover it for the top dome. Glue a bead onto the middle of the bottom dome.
Happy crafting,

1 comment:

  1. Both ideas are good but i like the second one most..and i would like implement that also. Thanks..Closed Loop Recycling
